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DIY Internal Windows - HOW TO DO IT - Choose thickness


Thicker sheet will of course insulate better both for sound and temperature though the weight is a consideration here too.

You can calculate the weight by the following formula:

A (m) x B (m) x THICKNESS (mm) x 1.19 = kg

For instance my window was:

0.855m x 1.384m x 6 mm x 1.19 = 8.44 kg

The most common thickness manufacturers have is 3, 4.5 and 6 and more mm. I wouldn't recommend more than 6 mm.

As for the kind of plastic, there is Acrylic and Polycarbonate. The former is about 2x cheaper than the latter. They say polycarb will last longer without going yellow but this is not such a worry since the internal window is behind glass and glass has some UV qualities that will protect the plastic against sun. If it was outside, that would be another story.
Polycarb is said to be less fragile than Acrylic and might have better anti-scratching properties but that differs by manufacturers. There are different kinds of both depending on the manufacturer.

For me Acrylic was good enough. If you go to your supplier, ask for a sample. I was surprised how clear it was. Indiscernible from glass. I chose 6 mm thickness.

This thickness is great for one particular trick. When you get 4.5mm plastic cap profiles, sometimes called "U" channels (they are 4.5mm but they are actually slightly larger), it will be a perfect fit and will serve as the window plastic edge. More on that later.

Just as George Orwell once famously said: "All animals are EQUAL but some of them are MORE EQUAL than others", all plastic cap profiles might also be WHITE, but some of them are MORE WHITE than others.
Have a look at the picture and compare for yourself. It's up to your preference. Just make sure that you buy the same shade.

From a sample (that I am sure your supplier will give to you) you can make yourself a little model of your window to see how thick it will be. You will need that to mark it on the new wooden recess to mount steel profiles.

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